Have you ever noticed that when we don't have much to do that we end up doing things we really should not be doing? It's easy to see it in children when they get bored and try to find something to do which the outcome generally means trouble. As adults, we find ourselves in the same situation. The saying " idle hands are the devils workshop" comes to mind and usually when I find myself with nothing to do I typically turn to shopping. As I got older and recognized this vice and to avoid getting wrapped up in impulsive buying, I decided to redirect this boredom into one of my many side hustles that generated cash flow in rather than cash flow out...or maybe I just worked my side hustles to support my depressive need to shop in order to feel better all the way around...Hmm that kinda sounds like an entirely different devotion that will need to be addressed at a later time. At any rate, I said all that to say this....Recently, I have taken on a new side hustle.
Long story short, a few months ago I reconnected with an old friend. I met him about twenty-five years ago when I had a "real job". We have been friends on social media for a while so he knew my interest in blogging, selling and event planning just a few of my many side hustles. He told me about his new project and instantly I knew that it was definitely something that I wanted to be a part of. Now in the meantime, while things seem to be going in a positive direction...they were also headed down a huge road of uncertainty that was clearly unexpected. Note...that when you see folks bombarding your newsfeed with gut health remedies, skincare fixes, sparkling jewels (don't forget to visit my website...just kidding...kinda) or even a better way to store your leftovers...please remember that at any given time these "side hustles" may be the only income they have coming in so please don't discount their efforts. Instead, love, like, share and comment on their posts...remember we are in this together.
Back to my point...the truth is if we are honest with ourselves, we have all been there at some point or another in our lives...that point where we are in need and pray for answers as to why certain things in our lives have happened, yet we turn to God for those answers and we get nothing...no response...not even an "out of office" message as to when He will be returning. Here lately, I seem to be reminding myself that "patience" is a virtue. It's times like these that I have often wondered why God doesn't seem to be there when I need Him, but yet I truly know that He is inside my heart. I have no doubt that the best is yet to come, but it is so difficult to see that when you are drowning in a sea of uncertainty.
My recent endeavor has shown me very quickly how it is so important to see the bigger picture...to be able to clearly see the potential in something in a natural organic state that will eventually flourish into something so radiant...not over night but at exactly the right moment in time. Each time I show up at this beautiful outdoor wedding venue something else has changed and improved...I don't see all the behind the scenes work that is going on. I just know that it is happening because every time I show up something has changed.
So, while I am here praying and at times crying, God sees it even when we try to hide it. He always sees our needs and just because we don't think He is moving fast even doesn't mean He isn't moving at all. He is working on all things...together...for our good. The answers may not always be the ones we hoped for, but the One we hope in will be unwavering and true. He will always be there, even to the end....but we must be patient for God knows that the best is yet to come.