While this is clearly not my front porch devotion, it certainly is a blessing that I will be counting today. I often find myself slipping into the past to replay over and over my mistakes. When I refer to myself as being perfectly imperfect that is my way of positively recognizing that while my mistakes are many, my relationship with Jesus allows me to work through those misfortunes, repent where needed and let them go…forever to be forgotten.
Today, I will reflect on all that God has given me and count those blessings. I will splash some water on my face as though it were the morning light and continue to reflect on all the joy He has brought me. I am His work in progress created by His love to enjoy the blessings He has bestowed upon me. I will live today and try to live everyday…not in the past…but in this moment…counting my blessings and stepping out into the light of His grace with the hope of being a light for others.