If you have been following my posts this week, you will notice a "Be" theme developing. I know, I know...I am a little surprised too that I have managed to post three days in a row. I kinda fell behind a little over the summer with my blog postings, but life happens. Trust me though when I say that my faith in God never fell behind...which brings me to my Be You topic today.
I have always enjoyed a good jigsaw puzzle. The more challenging the better. It's kinda like that whole landscaping hobby I talked about last week in that both activities gives me the opportunity to redirect my focus and truly think about the things that matter the most.
If you ever started a jigsaw puzzle with 1000's of pieces, you know that they time consuming. Much like everything else I do, I like to have a plan before starting. With great enthusiasm, I begin sorting and searching....looking for the right pieces to begin linking everything together seamlessly. Sometimes it's easy to find the right pieces and then everything begins to flow easily, but then you pick up a piece that begins what seems to be the never-ending process of trying pieces that never fit. Oh and then we realize that several pieces were left in the box...no telling how long they had been in there waiting for me to discover them and where they were to go. We never know how long it will take to complete the puzzle, but when we do it is truly a masterpiece!
God wants us to BE YOU...not me be you and you be me, but to BE the person He created and not what others want us to be. God designed you. He gave you all the pieces you need to make a beautiful masterpiece of yourself. When I started to put the pieces of my life together, I thought they were fitting perfectly, but in reality they didn't fit at all. Life happens and when it does we are left feeling like we will never figure out where all the pieces are suppose to fit and sometimes it takes even longer to find the pieces that we have yet to discover.
So, BE YOU...because the truth is that with each piece that you find...puts you that much closer to creating that incredible masterpiece that God has designed within you. Let God put together those missing pieces...only HE can help you truly BE YOU.